Dear Families,
As you may have seen in the news or in the community, there has been a recent uptick in reported cases of COVID-19. I know this is a topic none of us wanted to see again in a newsletter, however, I wanted to take a moment to share EUSD procedures for students that test positive for COVID-19.
People who test positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 may return to school when the following criteria have been met:
If symptomatic: Your child may return to school/childcare 6 days after symptoms started, and the child is fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, and all other symptoms have improved.
If no symptoms: Return to school/childcare 6 days after the date of the COVID-19 test.
A mask should be worn through Day 10, or when 2 sequential tests at least one day apart are negative. To prevent transmission within your household, the COVID-19-positive student should isolate from other family members.
We do not require testing, but EUSD does have COVID-19 test kits available through the school health tech if needed.
We wish everyone good health during this time.
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.