Dear EUSD Community,
Our August EUSD Board of Trustees meetings are always filled with updates from the work done over the summer as well forecasting out what is to come for the year. I wanted to include a few brief notes about information shared as well as provide the slides that were presented. Click on the titles for the presentations.
EUSD Summer Language Academy and Extended School Year 144 multilingual children from across the district attended the Summer Language Academy to support their language development. Students received 19 days of instruction emphasizing reading, writing, listening and speaking. Pre and post assessment data was shared showing the individual and collective growth of students. In Extended School Year, 61 children from our special education programs attended programming specific to their Individualized Education Plans.
EUSD Summer Facilities Update The update included information about the opening of the new Flora Vista modular building housing 8 new classrooms. Additionally, there was a review of summer projects which included new asphalt at Park Dale Lane and Mission Estancia. Various safety and small projects as well as deep cleanings happened at all nine campuses.
The Framework for the Future components including vision, values and learner profile were reviewed. An overview of steps for the fall were presented.
Enjoy a safe and restful three day weekend.
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.