In an effort to keep our students safe this School Year, EUSD will be rolling out a permitting program for any student who chooses to ride a bike or E-bike to school and park it on campus. This permitting process will help ensure that our students are properly educated on the skills they will need to bike safely to and from school. There is no cost for the bicycle permit, and the training opportunities will be free as well. These permits will only be valid for one school year, so students have to complete an online application and attend an EUSD-approved Bike / eBike Safety Presentation on a yearly basis. All students who wish to bring a bike on campus will need to have completed training and an application by October 13th. Bike tags will be required beginning October 30th after all Fall break.
In early September, we will be providing a link to each individual school site's online permit application, which will be found on the Bike Safety page on EUSD’s website. Families will be able to complete the application with the required documents.
An integral part of this new permitting program is the required training. Proof of attendance to an EUSD-approved training course must be attached to the application for approval. Currently, EUSD is partnering up with the Carlsbad Police Department and The San Diego Bike Coalition to provide training opportunities for our students and their families.
Here are a few upcoming training sessions available to all EUSD families put on by the Carlsbad Police Department:
Saturday, August 26th from 8:00-9:00 AM at Valley Middle School & Poinsettia Elementary in Carlsbad
Saturday, September 9th from 8:00-9:00 AM at Valley Middle School & Poinsettia Elementary in Carlsbad
We believe strongly all children need this information regardless of whether or not they ride to school or just in their neighborhood. Therefore, in addition to the classes offered by the Carlsbad Police Department, EUSD is working with the San Diego Bike Coalition to provide in-person instruction assemblies at each of our nine school sites. These assemblies will happen during the school day and all students will participate regardless of their desire to obtain a permit or not. The in-school assemblies will meet the training requirement for getting a bike tag. Additional makeup training dates will be scheduled throughout the year for those who may need them. Dates and more information for these training sessions will be coming soon. These will be done in school in the months of September/October to ensure all students can utilize this option before the training mandate goes into effect.
Bringing a bike is not required for the classes put on by the Carlsbad Police Department or the Bike Coalition, as these are an academic-style training. At any of the mentioned trainings, every student will be provided with a certificate of completion. As more training opportunities become available, we will send that information out and have it posted on the bike safety page on the EUSD website.
Once an application is approved, our students will be issued a permit tag that must be affixed and visible to their bike. These permit tags are a yellow plastic zip tie that has the student’s permit number. However, we will not distribute tags until the week before Fall Break.
We want to continue to prioritize student well-being and safety and know this is an important community-wide effort. We appreciate your support.
Eric Smith
Director of Facilities and Safety