Good Afternoon EUSD Families,
We wanted to inform you about an upcoming change in our Adult/Visitor school breakfast and lunch prices. We love having family members eat on campus with their students (particularly during breakfast), and have always tried to maintain reasonable pricing for adults, visitors, and staff.
However, we have been informed by the California Department of Education that meal prices for adults, visitors, and staff must be increased. Unfortunately, this was unexpected and beyond our control. Starting October 1st, we will be increasing our adult/visitor meal prices for both breakfast and lunch. Please note that meals will continue to be free of charge for all EUSD students.
Revised Meal Prices (Starting October 1, 2023):
Adult/Visitor Breakfast: $4.00
Adult/Visitor Lunch: $6.00
Child Nutrition Services is committed to offering healthy and delicious options for your children every day! We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to provide the best possible meals for our students.
~Child Nutrition Services