On Tuesday, February 27th we welcomed approximately 100 students, staff, and family members for our second annual LCAP input event. The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the district plan that drives our goals and budget priorities. Each year we seek feedback from all of our educational partners through this live event as well as through surveys which we are including here today. Past feedback has led to the hiring of more Community Liaisons at our schools, increased focus on TRAC (Teambuilding, Regulation, Acceptance, and Community), our MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) Teachers on Special Assignment, providing health benefits for our Instructional Assistants, and increasing the compensation for our Enrichment teachers. We appreciate our principals, MTSS TOSAs, and Cabinet members, who facilitated table discussions and took notes to provide us with valuable feedback from each school site and each group of educational partners. We appreciated the many district staff members and family/community members who dedicated their time to provide input, ideate, and reflect on current and future district goals.
Our LCAP impacts each of our students through decisions related to curriculum and programs. Our families are impacted by our community outreach and communication plans. We appreciate feedback from each of you, to help us make informed decisions that will help us achieve our vision of igniting the limitless potential of all learners. As we work to create Empowered Learners, Global Citizens, Innovative Thinkers, Wellness Advocates, Skilled Communicators, and Confident Collaborators, we want to hear from you on the best ways to move forward as a community. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.
EUSD's Preschool Program at Flora Vista
EUSD offers an early intervention program for 3 to 5-year-old children eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act. These classes support students with autism and other neurodiverse needs by providing access to specialized academic instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, nursing, and behavioral supports. The program is located in a separate building on the Flora Vista campus, which holds 3 classrooms and ancillary spaces for therapeutic interventions. For students who require more rare services, for example, deaf and hard of hearing services, these are available through a partnership with the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education. These services are available to students who live within the EUSD attendance boundaries, and also at times to students in neighboring smaller districts through a tuition sharing agreement. In addition to our daily classroom program, we also offer drop-in therapy sessions for 3 to 5-year-olds who require speech therapy but do not need a classroom placement.
We also enjoy a long-standing collaborative partnership with the Magdalena Ecke YMCA. The Y offers a general preschool program at our early intervention site, providing opportunities for students to interact with one another throughout the day, and offering our early intervention students access to inclusion with same-aged peers. This integration is enhanced by our outdoor classroom space, equipped with outdoor interactive stations and a tricycle track.
Through our early intervention programming, we prepare 3 to 5-year-olds with neurodiverse needs to develop skills that will enhance their readiness for Kindergarten. Often our referrals come from government agencies providing services to children from birth to age 3 (i.e., Regional Center, Hope Infant Program), but parents can also make referrals directly. If a parent believes their child aged 3-5 might be eligible for special education, they can contact our early intervention administrator Debbie Basom at debbie.basom@eusd.net
EUSD BRIGHT SPOTS! EUSD values Joy, Belonging, Integrity, Service and Innovation
Flora Vista students are working together to nurture our sense of community and to ensure the values of Joy and Belonging are felt by all students. Our Student Council recently collaborated with our new “Younger Council”, a group of 2nd-grade Empowered Learners who had independently created this new leadership group. With these goals and ideas in mind, they approached the principal, who put the two Councils in touch. The culmination of their ensuing collaboration was on display in the most recent Falcon Awards assembly. The two Councils co-presented the Younger Council’s ideas, with a skit and slide presentation about how to make Flora Vista work best for all students! Another recent project showcasing our students as Skilled Communicators & Wellness Advocates was the launch of our Safe School Ambassadors program. This amazing group of student leaders, with insights and empathy about human behaviors, will be working to implement their ideas for how to help create a safe, inclusive community for every child at Flora Vista!
The podcast is hosted by Amy Illingworth, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, and Jennifer Bond, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability. In Everyone Belongs Here: Equity in EUSD we will share the professional learning journey that EUSD has gone on with our staff over the last three years. We are inviting you onto the journey with us now. We will post a new episode each month for the EUSD community on our www.eusd.net website on this podcast page.